Collection for York County Food Closet

We held a drive-thru food collection for donations to the York County Food Closet on 3/7. Forty-five bags of non-perishable food items were collected.

Collection for York County Food Closet
Together we collected 43 bags and 17 boxes of non-perishables for the York County Food Closet on 1/3.
Together we collected 43 bags and 17 boxes of non-perishables for the York County Food Closet on 1/3.

Some Crooks elves were up to good this week by making and delivering gift bags to residents at York Convalescent Home. This was an organic ministry that a few individuals took upon themselves! Thank you Norma Colton, Buck & Judy Mandeville, as well as Joyce Bailey in spreading Christ's love through your servanthood.
Some Crooks elves were up to good this week by making and delivering gift bags to residents at York Convalescent Home. This was an organic ministry that a few individuals took upon themselves! Thank you Norma Colton, Buck & Judy Mandeville, as well as Joyce Bailey in spreading Christ's love through your servanthood.

On Veteran's Day one of our small groups made and delivered over 80 Blessings Bags to the local VA Hospital, giving thanks for Veterans. We rejoice in this group's generosity and sharing of God's love.
On Veteran's Day one of our small groups made and delivered over 80 Blessings Bags to the local VA Hospital, giving thanks for Veterans. We rejoice in this group's generosity and sharing of God's love.

Several members of the congregation wrote notes of encouragement to nursing home residents in early November. We were able to send nearly 40 notes to Warwick Forest.
Several members of the congregation wrote notes of encouragement to nursing home residents in early November. We were able to send nearly 40 notes to Warwick Forest.

In mid-November the Chancel Choir partnered together to send 53 Blessing Bags and 2 dozen prayer cards to Thrive Peninsula. These will be added to a bag of groceries when it is given to a client. Thanks for growing in Discipleship beyond the walls, Choir, and being an inspiration to us all!!!
In mid-November the Chancel Choir partnered together to send 53 Blessing Bags and 2 dozen prayer cards to Thrive Peninsula. These will be added to a bag of groceries when it is given to a client. Thanks for growing in Discipleship beyond the walls, Choir, and being an inspiration to us all!!!

Volunteer Opportunities at Thrive Peninsula
Volunteer to help those in our community through Thrive Peninsula. Thrive has volunteer opportunities providing phone support or marketing support that you can do from your own home. Additionally, you can help with general administration, food pantry packing, phone support or cleaning support at their Denbigh location. For more information, please see their website:
Volunteer to help those in our community through Thrive Peninsula. Thrive has volunteer opportunities providing phone support or marketing support that you can do from your own home. Additionally, you can help with general administration, food pantry packing, phone support or cleaning support at their Denbigh location. For more information, please see their website:

How We Are Supporting York County Food Closet, THRIVE Peninsula, and the York-Poquoson Social Service Special Welfare Fund:
At Crooks MUMC we have decided we can support both the York-Poquoson Social Services’ Special Welfare Fund and Thrive in their efforts to provide assistance to unemployed and under-resourced families during this time. Both are meeting current needs and anticipating an increase once “stays” on evictions and utility shut-offs end. Our plan is to alternate our support between these funds each month; providing up to $500 a month from our budget (based on our financial stability each month). This support is in addition to our continued giving to the York County Food Closet. Here’s how you can help:
1) First Mile Giving: Continue your regular giving to our shared mission and ministry.
2) Second Mile Giving: If you are able to give above your normal offering to the church, you can make a designated to gift to either:
York County Food Pantry: all these funds go directly to the pantry Pastor’s Discretionary Fund: these funds will be part of the $500 given to either the Special Welfare Fund or Thrive.
All designated gifts need to be clearly marked on your giving envelope or check sent to the church building. You can also make designated gifts via E-giving.
At Crooks MUMC we have decided we can support both the York-Poquoson Social Services’ Special Welfare Fund and Thrive in their efforts to provide assistance to unemployed and under-resourced families during this time. Both are meeting current needs and anticipating an increase once “stays” on evictions and utility shut-offs end. Our plan is to alternate our support between these funds each month; providing up to $500 a month from our budget (based on our financial stability each month). This support is in addition to our continued giving to the York County Food Closet. Here’s how you can help:
1) First Mile Giving: Continue your regular giving to our shared mission and ministry.
2) Second Mile Giving: If you are able to give above your normal offering to the church, you can make a designated to gift to either:
York County Food Pantry: all these funds go directly to the pantry Pastor’s Discretionary Fund: these funds will be part of the $500 given to either the Special Welfare Fund or Thrive.
All designated gifts need to be clearly marked on your giving envelope or check sent to the church building. You can also make designated gifts via E-giving.